1. Install Ubuntu with default options.
2. Install Ubuntu updates.
3. Setup screen saver.
Update Packages with Synoptic Package Manager
1. Select Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" (Binary)
2. Add "Community Maintained (Universe)" version.
3. Added "gcc", make, kernel sources, iptables development libraries,svn,
Install linuxant driver:
1. Download dldrinstall.run file.
2. Run dldrinstall.run file. This will unpack and install the driver. Then it will ask you to launch the brower and point it to the Follow the instruction and download the appropriate windows driver (in my case it is wpc54g driver).
3. Buy the linuxant driver for 19.95. Follow the instructions to generate the license key. Input the license key in the webpage. Now your driver is installed.
Install and Configure wpa supplicant:
1. Go to http://www.linuxant.com/driverloader/wlan/full/downloads.php page to download wpa supplicant for debian package.
2. Install the package using "dpkg -i filename" command.
3. Installation will ask you run the command "/usr/sbin/dldrwpaconfig" from root shell. Run it.
4. When it asks the question "Do you want to compile supplicant with OpenSSL support" say "yes".
5. It will ask you "the configuration script supports only wpa-psk" say "yes"
6. It will ask you the wpa preshared key. Supply the pre shared key.
7. Go to the networking tool and activate the wireless interface. (make sure you specify the static IP incase if you use static IP configuration.
8. Now your wireless connection should be up and running.
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